Tea towel range photo shoot
A few weeks ago I received all of my tea towel designs, hot off the printing press from the UK. I was very excited to receive the designs and to have them here pre-baby - phew! I'd been tinkering with simple packaging ideas for the tea towels but the next step was to get them photographed and loaded onto my on-line shop.
I had some difficulties finding a photographer to help get the tea towels photographed, with most of the local photographers concentrating on portraits and wedding photography. Plus when dealing with a tea towel that will retail for $25, my budget for a professional photographer on top of all the other costs and expenses involved with manufacturing a small range, was pretty minimal.
However, I was lucky enough to have an offer of help from the super-talented and very lovely Amelia from Simple Provisions to help me out with the styling and photography. Plus, we were able to use the studio from my local hairdressers Cirkus Hair to do the photoshoot - gotta love living in a small country town with help like this!
It was a really fun day getting the tea towels photographed, and great working with someone else who had fresh eyes and ideas for the styling of the tea towels. I'm aiming to get the tea towels loaded into my shop before the baby arrives in two weeks time (eek!). Big, big heartfelt "Thank You's" go to Amelia and Pete for all their help, support and time to help me out at the last minute.